eCommerce Hosting - USA - Direct Admin

eCommerce Hosting - Direct Admin - USA

Select a package and configure it on the next step.

Shop Professional- USA- Direct Admin

Choose your billing cycle.

2000 MB NVMe SSD Disk Space
40 000 MB Bandwidth
 1 Website
 3 Databases
 3 emails
 Safe & Secured


Shop Business- USA- Direct Admin

Choose your billing cycle.

5000 MB NVMe SSD Disk Space
100 000 MB Bandwidth
3 Websites
6 Databases
5 emails
Safe & Secured 

Shop Advanced- USA- Direct Admin

Choose your billing cycle.

10000 MB NVMe SSD Disk Space
200 000 MB Bandwidth
5 Websites
10 Databases
10 Databases
Safe & Secured